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Caveon Provides Services for the Facebook Blueprint Certification Exam

Posted by Caveon

September 21, 2016

Caveon is pleased to announce it will be providing test security services for the recently-released Facebook Blueprint certification exam.

Facebook Blueprint is a program for digital advertisers, which recognizes individuals with advanced-level proficiency in Facebook’s family of products and services. The exam will be administered remotely through Pearson VUE’s online test delivery system. Caveon will work to ensure the exam results are valid, that test content is being protected, and that no candidate receives an unfair advantage due to cheating or test theft.

”Caveon is pleased to be Facebook Blueprint’s test security consultant, providing a range of services to ensure that quality test results are used to make important decisions for the Blueprint Certification program.” said Dr. Jamie Mulkey.

Caveon looks forward to a long, mutually-beneficial partnership with Facebook while protecting the Blueprint program. 

For more information about Facebook Blueprint, visit:

Caveon provides a comprehensive set of test security solutions to protect the validity of all types of high-stakes exams. Caveon works with some of the most important test programs in the world, and offers end-to-end test security solutions for every stage of the assessment cycle. For more information about how Caveon can help protect high-stakes test programs, please contact us at

About Caveon

For more than 18 years, Caveon Test Security has driven the discussion and practice of exam security in the testing industry. Today, as the recognized leader in the field, we have expanded our offerings to encompass innovative solutions and technologies that provide comprehensive protection: Solutions designed to detect, deter, and even prevent test fraud.

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