Caveon is pleased to announce the launch of the highly sought-after automated item generation solution, Caveon AIG™, a software tool designed to reduce the costs and labor of item writing and exam development while increasing test security.
It has been clear for some time that all the security benefits that come with rapid item pool expansion are out of reach for most testing programs. It is simply too expensive, too laborious, or both. Caveon AIG aims to overcome those barriers, providing a usable and affordable AIG tool to all testing programs who wish to scale on a budget.
“It’s exciting when technology and tradition intersect so powerfully. As an industry, we’ve been waiting for AIG’s impact on test development for decades,” said Steve Addicott, Caveon’s Chief Operating Officer. “With Caveon AIG, our collective wait is finally over.”
The AIG tool, which will be housed within Caveon’s secure exam development and delivery platform, Scorpion™, is predicted to facilitate a host of industry-wide security improvements. Because AIG allows programs to rapidly expand their item pools and regenerate new versions of exposed items, the effects of cheating and testwiseness are lessened. Similarly, the use of more secure test designs like Linear-on-the-fly Testing (LOFT) and Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT) are possible with a large enough item bank.
Caveon AIG can be licensed independently, giving programs freedom to generate and import items into existing development or delivery systems. It does, however, live within a greater ecosystem of exam security tools: Scorpion.
In addition to its myriad security benefits, Scorpion’s exam development and delivery tools support the full range of end-to-end test development activities, from blueprinting to item scrambling, secure online delivery to proctoring tools, and more. Caveon AIG is one more tool in the rapidly-evolving, one-stop-security-shop that is Caveon.
“Scorpion just got a lot more powerful,” said Nat Foster, Lead Software Developer at Caveon. “Instead of writing items one at a time from scratch, you can now generate thousands in just a few clicks, review them using custom workflows, and export them into any format you’d like.”
To learn more about Caveon AIG, visit